Leaders from across the region attended seCTer’s 2024 Annual Meeting at the Norwich Inn & Spa in November. Keynote speaker David Steuber, Chief of Staff to Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development Daniel O’Keefe, and seCTer Executive Director Paul Whitescarver highlighted state and regional efforts to continue driving the state’s strong economy.
David referenced the state’s sixth consecutive year with a budget surplus and a “rainy day” fund of $4.1 billion as strong evidence of a solid economy. He noted that new business startups increased by 10%, outpacing our neighbors in Massachusetts, New York and Rhode Island.
DECD is especially proud of the Manufacturing Innovation Fund’s results, assisting 4,116 companies and training just over 31,000 current employees. Nationally, Connecticut ranks first in aircraft engine manufacturing, second in shipbuilding and repairs, and second in patents granted to individuals and organizations. David highlighted workforce development efforts in manufacturing, healthcare, IT, construction, clean energy and bioscience, the state’s $300 million in brownfields remediation, and its $875 million Community Investment Fund aimed at underserved communities.
On the regional level, Paul cited seCTer’s $1.4 million in loans and grants provided to small businesses from Stonington to Thompson and Middletown, and its participation in the Eastern Workforce Investment Board’s sector partnerships in Manufacturing and Healthcare.
He singled out seCTer’s work with DECD and Norwich Community Development Corporation in quickly making available more than $100,000 in relief funding to businesses damaged by the Yantic River flooding.
Paul also highlighted seCTer’s assistance in developing the interactive Eastern CT Housing Needs Assessment and accompanying dashboards.
seCTer’s expertise has benefitted many municipalities through its support of the Community Investment Fund. During 2024, seCTer applied for Port Infrastructure Development funding via the Federal Department of Transportation, and pursued grants from the EDA, and Innovation Cluster funding from DECD and NOAA to build on the Blue Economy. To expand diversification of the region’s economy, seCTer became a founding member of the Connecticut Blue Economy Coalition, joining a prestigious roster of members including Mystic Seaport Museum, Climate Haven, ThayerMahan, and Project Oceanology.
A significant diversification effort was seCTer’s assistance in developing the Connecticut Wind Collaborative, which seCTer also supports administratively. seCTer also partnered with CWC to launch a supply chain study to better understand where our region, state and the Northeast can fill in gaps in developing a supply chain and workforce to sustain the growth of offshore wind.
Paul also noted the important work of Marisol Herrera’s statewide APEX Accelerator team, which is supported by seCTer and accounts for more than $85 million in assistance with government contracts just in eastern Connecticut alone.